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Frost in DaYuLing

Frost in the 100K Dayuling tea garden, Taiwan

Photos from Hsieh Peilun.

(Originally published April 14, 2020)

The photos above show the tea fields at the 100K Tea Garden in DaYuLing a day apart. Frost struck early this week, reducing the number of leaves that can be harvested from an already small number.
Although we won’t know for certain until the picking is done, they are already predicting that the yield will be around 20% of the average spring harvest. With the predicted yield being so small and the possibility of more frost on the way, we don’t know at this point if we will receive any Spring 100K DaYuLing High Mountain Oolong. 
Stay tuned for more updates.

100K Dayuling Tea Garden    Frost in the 100K Dayuling Tea Garden

Frost in the 100K Dayuling Tea Garden    Frost in the 100K Dayuling Tea Garden