Season: Spring 2014
Origin: Xiao Hu Sai 小户赛, Bing Dao 冰岛, Mengku County, Lincang. Elevation: 1900-2100m
Tree age: Ancient
trees, over 200 + years old.
Storage: Guangdong Natural Storage.
This tea was picked from gushu or ancient trees that are over 200 years old in Xiao Hu Sai, Bing Dao. The tea was pressed by Tianming Tea Co. in cooperation with Mengku Bingdao Tea Factory in Menghai.
These cakes have been kept in natural Guangdong storage at Tianming Tea Co. warehouse in Guangzhou for the last 8 years. A total of 1258 cakes were pressed.
This tea has the pleasant characteristic “cooling” effect of sheng from “Ice Island” Bing Dao. This tea has a very good balance of strong cha qi, bitterness, mouthfeel and lingering sweetness. It has retained its spring aroma as well. The age of the
trees has only added to the smoothness of this tea.