2020 Spring Azure Spring of Taiwan NingYen FENGSHAN LINCANG Ancient Tree Raw Pu'er Tea Cake by 春日山蓝 Azure Spring of Taiwan.
Season: Spring 2020
Origin: Fengshan, Lincang, Yunnan Province China
Tree Variety: Fengqing Large Leaf Variety
Tree Age: 150 years and over.
These cakes were pressed by 春日山蓝 Azure Spring of Taiwan. 270 kilograms were produced in total.
This raw / sheng pu'er tea was picked in Spring 2020 from ancient arbor trees in Fengshan 凤山 in Fengqing County, Lincang, in Yuannan Province China. The tea trees in this garden are ancient trees at 150 + years old. The tea was stone pressed by hand.
This tea has a long-lasting aroma and strong taste. The aroma is spicy and nutty, the taste is strong with some bitterness balanced with a cooling mouthfeel and pleasant aftertaste.